We set the highest standards for ourselves
Good is never enough for us. We work tirelessly to improve quality and exceed the expectations of clinicians and healthcare regulators.

At Mölnlycke, we have a reputation for high-quality medical solutions that are compliant, easy to-use, reliable and meet customers’ needs – a reputation we secure thanks to our passion for quality and product responsibility. We strive to continuously improve our performance so that we always meet and exceed the expectations of healthcare professionals and the regulatory authorities in the markets where we operate.

Our quality management systems
We have a rigorous process-based quality management system to ensure consistent levels of high quality. There are active internal protocols in place for risk management and internal auditing. Alongside our global processes, each of our sites has a local quality system, as well as staff who are responsible for local quality management and compliance.
There is a Supplier Performance Management system in place to monitor, improve and control supplier performance and we regularly audit our suppliers (including third-party auditors where necessary).

Supplier relations
We choose our suppliers carefully and visit them regularly to make sure they live up to our ethical standards.

Responsible business
We’re an ethical business. Our Code of Conduct demands integrity from our people. And we only work with partners and suppliers who live up to our standards.