GS1 standards
Mölnlycke Health Care is not only committed to providing innovative and safe products globally but also providing customers with the necessary information to support those products.

We are currently receiving increasing requests for large amounts of product data, not only from our customers but also due to developing legislation for Unique Device Identification.
Therefore as well as taking the decision to apply GS1 standards throughout the company we have also decided to publish our product master data to the GDSN via 1WorldSync. This will enable our customers to download relevant product information smoothly and efficiently without the risk of human error or file corruption. It will also give one true source of data going forwards. We expect to have published all product data by the end of 2018.
Whilst this process is taking place Molnlycke Health Care is showing its commitment to providing data in GS1 format by making the necessary product GTIN information available on request.