Der OP wird grün: wie können wir Sie dabei unterstützen das zu erreichen?
Nehmen Sie teil an unserer virtuellen englischsprachigen Veranstaltung
am 1. Juni um 19:00 Uhr
Healthcare accounts for 4.4% of total carbon emissions in the developed world. If healthcare were a country, it would be the fifth largest carbon emitter globally.
As Covid-19 has pushed healthcare systems to the limit, how can sustainability endeavours endure in the face of exceptional challenges introduced by the pandemic?
The discussion will focus on:
- Balancing environmental commitments with other COVID-19 priorities
- Actions for making a sustainable difference
- Optimising patient and HCP care and safety while still caring for the environment

Prof Nicole D. Bouvy
Professor of Surgery – Innovative Surgical Techniques Maastricht University Hospital Medical Centre

Trude Ertresvåg
Director of Environmental Strategy National Norwegian Hospital Procurement Trust

Christian Cederholm
Head of Patricia Industries, Board member of Hi3G Scandinavia, Mölnlycke Health Care and Permobil

Gary Hopkins